Ahavah 48x60 The feminine noun ahavah can describe the love of husband toward wife, God’s love for his people, and deep abiding friendship. It’s a love that is more concerned about giving than receiving. This one was created purely from feminine flow in communion with the divine. I had no idea what it would look like to start nor in the process. I just applied the paint and stepped back every so often to see what was wanting to be painted. When I look at it I see 7 defined trees. Is 7 significant to you? 7 in numerology is heavenly. I see the waterfall as Source of life flowing to and through us all (the trees). 3 tiny birds can be spotted above the waterfall. I always feel 3 birds signify to me that God is making presence known to me. I also see a face in the rocks besides the waterfall. I find it interesting that one waterfall falls into another but I haven’t determined yet what that would mean.
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